Low Carb Shortbread Cookies

Nov 9, 2020 | Cookies

Keto Dessert Recipes – Low Carb Shortbread Cookies!

hi guys welcome to Kido Italy your low carb lifestyle channel I am your host Sonia Lee and today we are making shortbread cookies they are Kido and they are low carb we’re gonna make them with walnuts and without walnuts you can make them with pecans pecans however you say it you’re gonna love it now if you’re new to my channel please subscribe and hit the notification bar that way you’re notified when I post a new recipe and when I go live while I cook for my family I also want you guys to visit my web site at www.

affordablecomm.com I get up alright guys so to get started we’re gonna take our stick of butter I chopped it up like this into I guess tablespoons and we melted it know always use a microwavable bowl guys and I melted at 30-second intervals stirring in between each next we’re gonna take our quarter cups where we’re gonna put it in here and as I mentioned before I like to I guess warm up that sugar the sugar substitute any sugar substitute that you use because it takes away the cooling effect it really helps with that now you might have very little of it but it’s not as strong as when you just put the sugar substitute with the flour mixture instead so this helps substantially so lemonade good so what I’m doing here is I’m gonna mix it until it’s just like almost melted it’s not gonna melt obviously but now I’m gonna add my window look and just give it a good stir look and then we’re gonna move on to the next step now here’s the almond flour and I always say to do this you can use one of those sifters for the flour but this works perfectly to get those little lumps out all right so now we’re gonna add the wet mixture to the dry mixture make sure you get all of that sugar all right and now we’re gonna give it a good stir you don’t want to start too much the mixture because it makes the cookie dough heavy but I do want to encourage you to once again visit my website for the full recipe along with the macros @ww keto Italy us really good now like I said in the beginning we’re gonna do some with walnuts and some without because see that that’s all that’s right there that’s great it is it is a running the chute sort of now here I’m dividing it in half because my three-year-old Jayden does not like nuts he’s not allergic however he doesn’t like so at this point you’re free to add whatever you want to the mixture I went ahead and chop the nuts up and I move this mixture the other half I’m gonna leave plain and as I mentioned you know always I always encourage you guys to play with the recipes you know go ahead and add something if you like you know if you don’t like the walnuts oh you prefer almonds to simply see that that’s your job and this is the plain one and now we have our lined baking sheet and I’m taking one teaspoon it is a heaping teaspoon and we’re going to roll it into balls just like that and you want to put them two inches apart at these because they do spread out so I just use my two fingers into bag there you go just all right let’s keep going I wanted to let you know that in once these are in the oven and baked allow them to cool for at least 10 minutes before you try and take them off the the baking sheet because they will crumble you have to let them Harden with Oh cute Oh cookies are just that way right so let them harden into a cookie and that’s all you have to do and you’re obviously gonna do the same thing with the plain ones two inches apart and now we’re off to the oven we’re gonna bake these at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 15 minutes until they’re golden brown on the edges always check at mid point guys see how they’re golden brown on the edges here I think I cook them a little too much to be honest but just keep an eye on that oven I always like to check at mid point now all that’s left to do is to eat them don’t forget to visit my website www.

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